Frequent polls into a representative sample of Americans of all ages, genders, income and ethnic backgrounds reflecting Americans’ opinions on a wide range of topics and a diverse portfolio of proprietary client solutions to anchor and propel communications campaigns.
Papers on political forecasting methods, reviewed by major journals and reproduced with permission, with comments, including dissents, and also reviews from readers.
"Public Agenda, an innovative public opinion research and public engagement organization, works to strengthen our democracy's capacity to tackle tough public policy issues."
" is an international collaborative project whose aim is to give voice to public opinion around the world on international issues. "
A monthly online survey of a national probability sample from a panel of about 2,000 adults in the United States. A variety of social science investigators use the panel. Most studies concern the economic and political attitudes and behavior of the American public.
ANES produces high quality data from its own surveys on voting, public opinion, and political participation. Central to this mission is the active involvement of the ANES research community in all phases of the project.
An ANES study represents one or more interviews conducted with a sample of U.S. eligible voters during one or more interview periods. Most often, the sample is designed to be representative at the national level only, and is not selected to represent states or smaller areas. ANES studies fall into several general categories. Time series data could be found here:
The CCES is a 50,000+ person national stratified sample survey administered by YouGov. Half of the questionnaire consists of Common Content asked of all 50,000+ people, and half of the questionnaire consists of Team Content designed by each individual participating team and asked of a subset of 1,000 people. In addition, several teams may pool their resources to create Group Content.
The survey consists of two waves in election years. In the pre-election phase, respondents answer two-thirds of the questionnaire. This segment of the survey asks about general political attitudes, various demographic factors, assessment of roll call voting choices, and political information. The pre-election phase is administered late September to late October and rolled out in three distinct time-periods, the end of September, the middle of October, and the end of October. Spacing of interviews across these intervals allows researchers to gauge the effects of campaign information and events on the state and district electorates. In the post-election phase, respondents answer the other third of the questionnaire, mostly consisting of items related to the election that just occurred. The post-election phase is administered in November.
In non-election years, the survey consists of a single wave conducted in the fall.
iPOLL Databank (Roper Center) from the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, is a full text database of 500,000 questions from national public opinion surveys since 1935 and updated daily. iPOLL includes survey results data from academic, commercial and media survey organizations such as Gallup, Harris Interactive, Pew Research Associates, ABC, CBS, Wall Street Journal and many more. Many data sets are available for download in ASCII or SPSS format.
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research maintains and provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction.
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Abbreviation: icpsr Vendor: University of Michigan Coverage: 1962-Current Subjects: Anthropology, Communication, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Demography and Population Studies, Economics, Human Development & Family Science, Geography, Information Studies, International Affairs, Law, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration and Policy, Public Safety and Security, Retail Entrepreneurship, Social Work, Sociology, Urban and Regional Planning Type: Datasets / Statistics