Mergent Online is made up of public company profiles.
1. In the Company Search bar, type in your company.
2. To find the company history, start in the Company Details tab, and select the History sub-tab.
Provides company profiles, company brand information, company rankings, investment reports, company histories, chronologies, and industry news and industry information.
Mergent Archives is best for historical information on companies.
1. To enter the database, click the Search Mergent Archives link on the right.
2. Use the tabs on the top right to search for the company either in the corporate manuals or annual reports sections of the database, depending on what you are after.
Note: To find company histories, you'll likely want to focus on the corporate manuals or the annual reports.
Nexis Uni contains company profiles and articles.
1. On the homepage, under Menu select Company Dossier
2. Search for the company by name or ticker.
3. Select the correct company, and once in the dossier, navigate throughout using the menu on the left.
Content: Briefs, Pleadings and Motions Cases Company and Financial Directories Law Reviews and Journals Legal News News Statutes and Legislation
Abbreviation: nexis Vendor: LexisNexis Subjects: Business, Business Legal Studies, Communication, Hospitality, Law, Psychology, Public Administration and Policy, Sociology Type: Directories, Historical / Primary Sources, Newspapers and Newswires, Proceedings
TechCrunch Base is a comprehensive crowd sourced dataset of startup activity with more than 700K profiles of people and companies that are maintained by contributors. Find self-sourced startup company info as well as venture cap and other funding data and investment firms.