This platform hosts the e-books in the Ebook Central (ProQuest) collection. Titles purchased on the Ebook Library (EBL), ebrary, and MyiLibrary platforms are now hosted here. E-books on this platform are available via purchase, DDA, and subscription. titles from multiple publishers are brought together on this commercially-operated platform.
Adobe Digital Editions required.
Adobe Digital Editions required
Sign in here with you FSUID and password here to create your account.
Titles can have one user at a time, three users at a time, unlimited users, or non-linear usage (see “e-Book Terms” for details). The “Availability” section of the e-book access page (see above) contains the user access model. The last field in the advanced search can find books with “more than one” or “unlimited” users.
Titles can be downloaded for up to 21 days at a time. The “Availability” section of the e-book access page (see above) provides the length of the download period.
DRM-free e-books are available; these will display the message "There are no copy, print, or download restrictions on this title." in place of the copy and download restrictions.
For help, check out Ebook Central's FAQ pages and LibGuide. ProQuest also offers a dashboard with the current operational status of all ProQuest sites.
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