This platform hosts the e-books and e-journals in the eBook Collection (EBSCO) and all of our EBSCO databases. FSU's e-book collection can be searched in conjunction with any or all EBSCO databases. E-books on this platform are available via purchase, DDA, and subscription. Titles from multiple publishers are brought together on the commercially-operated platform.
Adobe Digital Editions required
Adobe Digital Editions required
Adobe Digital Editions required
To create your personal account, go to "Sign In" on the upper right corner of any page, then click "Create One Now" at the bottom of the page.
Titles can have one user at a time, unlimited users, or non-linear usage (see “e-Book Terms” for details). The user access model can be found on the book access page and the in-browser full-text viewer (see above) along with the number of copies for e-books with a single simultaneous user and the number of days available for e-books with non-linear usage. FSU shares some titles with other institutions, which can further restrict access.
Most e-books also have a limit on the number of pages that can be saved (as PDFs and/or EPUBs) or printed; this information is on the book access page and the in-browser full-text viewer (see above). A small number of e-books offer DRM-free downloads; these titles are not labeled on the EBSCOhost platform.
For help, check out EBSCO Connect and the EBSCO eBooks LibGuide. EBSCO also offers a dashboard with the current operational status of all EBSCO sites.
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