World Development IndicatorsProvides annual statistics and indicators related to the financial growth and productivity, education, environmental and resource use, labor, and health of the world's countries.
Click on the "i" icon for more information about how to use.
This is an excellent resource to gather annual statistics and indicators related to the financial growth and productivity, education, environmental and resource use, labor, and health of the world's countries. To run an analysis:
Click on the "countries" tab to the left, highlight each country for which you are seeking statistics and click on "select." Once all of the countries you are interested in examining are in the lower box, click on "next." In the following screen, click on each type of information you are seeking, and click on "select." Once all of the data series you want to gather are in the lower box, click on "next." Finally, select each year for which you would like data, click on "select," and click on "next."
You can view results for each country in the box at the bottom of the screen. Another useful tool is the "export" data function. You can export your data into an excel spreadsheet to compare all of the data at once and to store it for later use. In creating this spreadsheet, you can also change the parameters of your report, organizing the display of your information by country, year, or data type/series, in order to compare different countries, years, or types of indicators.