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Are you trying to find scores (printed music) in the FSU Library Catalog? Here are a few tips to get you going.

Are you a singer looking for a vocal score of an opera or other large work?  Try a keyword search for the name of the large work and the term "vocal scores."

  • Zauberflote and vocal scores - The result set includes arias from Zauberflote in collections, not just for the complete opera.
  • Why did I use "Zauberflote" instead of "Magic Flute?"
    • Super searcher secret:  Musical works with specific names (think operas, ballets, symphonic poems) have an entry under the original name of the work in library catalogs. Don't believe me? 
    • Compare Magic flute and vocal scores against the other search.
    • Which search had more entries for this Mozart opera?
    • You can also choose the format dropdown at the search screen to limit your search to "musical score."

What about songs from a song cycle?

  • If you know it's from a song cycle, you may want to search for the title of the cycle, not just the particular song.
  • E.g. compare
    • a title search for Frauenliebe und leben, then limit the search to format "musical score" either from the beginning or on the left hand side of the results screen.
    • a title search for "meinem Herzen." A keyword search for "meinem Herzen" is successful if you want the piece from an anthology.
  • Some of the anthologies have tables of contents added in the library catalog, but not all. Our cataloging folks are working on a long-term project to add this valuable information to the library catalog.


Head, Warren D. Allen Music Library

Profile Photo
Laura Gayle Green
Allen Music Library
College of Music, FSU
122 N. Copeland St.
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Website Skype Contact: lauragayle
Subjects: Music
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