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Subject searching tips for the FSU Library Catalog

Keyword or subject search?  Think of the keyword search as a "goin' fishin'" search to find the best subject that will help you find exactly what you need. Here are some searches that may pull it together for you quickly:

  • Vocal music subject search
    • Use the options on the left hand side to focus your search further.
  • Items on vocal music, operas, etc. by Leyerle Publications
    • Includes the Nico Castel transcriptions
  • Looking for songs, translations, etc?  Do a subject search for Songs Texts
    • Again, use the options on the left hand side to focus your search further.
  • Need items on vocal pedagogy?  There's a lot to peruse on the subject of Singing Instruction and Study.
    • Use the options on the left hand side to narrow this to DVD or VHS titles or books -- or even items published after a certain date (e.g. 1990).
  • Is the book you want held at another campus library? Use the Library Express Delivery service (for faculty and TAs) to have it delivered to the Allen Music Library for you.

Looking for books about a composer or a singer?

Subject searching will help you find books about a composer or a singer.

For example, a basic search for Schubert, Franz and choose Subject Heading from the dropdown search option.

schubert catalog 1

Looking at the results screen, choose "Show more" from the Subject: Topic to limit your search further.

schubert catalog search step 2

I chose the Subject:Topic "song cycles." Here's the result:

schubert catalog screen 3

Notice that you have information on the items at FSU (availability, call number), but you can also choose the UBorrow option to request availalbe items from other libraries in Florida.

Head, Warren D. Allen Music Library

Profile Photo
Laura Gayle Green
Allen Music Library
College of Music, FSU
122 N. Copeland St.
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Website Skype Contact: lauragayle
Subjects: Music
The Florida State University Libraries

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