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MAR 4480 Strategic Marketing

Company Databases

How to Use a 10-K

10-K Report - filed annually after the end of the 4th quarter, provides the most comprehensive analysis of the company. 

  • Business - describes domestic and international operations, business segments, history, real estate, supply chain, patents, licenses, litigation, R&D, competition & employees
  • Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) - CEO's explanation of company's financial condition and operations; excellent source of intelligence about corporate strategy, competitive landscape, pressure points and future directions.
  • Financial statements - annual, audited.
  • Leadership - top management bios, including prior work history and current board activity.

10-Q Report - filed three times a year, at end of first three quarters; truncated version of the 10-K; details the company's latest developments and provides a preview of the direction it plans to take

  • Financial statements - quarterly, unaudited.
8-K Report - unscheduled material events or corporate changes; the filing typically includes further detail and exhibits, such as data tables and press releases. The SEC requires immediate disclosure (1-3 days from occurance) for a number of events, including restated earnings, bankruptcy, acquisitions or disposition of assets, and departures or appointment of executives.

Proxy Statement (DEF-14A) - official notification of matters voted on at annual shareholder's meeting; includes compensation (salary, bonus, stock options) for company management; salaries and bios of board members, corporate committee membership and scope, and more.

20-F - 10-K equivalent for foreign companies trading on a U.S. stock exchange. NOTE: not available on site; look at company site or use database such as Thomson ONE Banker.

How to Read an Annual Report/10-K

Tips for Reading SEC Filings

10 Important Things to Analyze in a Glossy Annual Report (Business Standard, April 16, 2014)
Many U.S. public companies issue a glossy Annual Report to help their investors understand a company's financial performance, business sectors, and management views.  While not an official SEC filing, this document is a nice complement to the more formal 10K; its use of color pictures and graphs/charts tell important stories about the company.  The "President/CEO Letter to Shareholders" is an especially insightful document, presenting leadership's perspective on the year's performance.

How to Read a 10K Like Warren Buffet (, January 27, 2014)
Warren Buffett has said he loves to curl up with companies' annual reports. When asked how to get smarter, Buffett once held up stacks of paper and said he "read 500 pages like this every day". Indeed, smart fund managers think of 10-K's as puzzles or treasure hunts and relish the chance to dig through even the microscopic footnotes.

What are Investment Banking Industry Conferences?

The large Wall Street Investment Banking firms frequently sponsor industry-focused conferences in Manhattan. The presenters and attendees are made up of Wall Street analysts who follow the industry and its companies, and the CEOs and other top management from the industry's public companies.

The transcripts of these presentations are rich and timely sources of insights about industry and public company strategy, challenges, future directions, and more.

Locating Investment Banking Conference Presentation Transcripts

Company Investor Relations Website
Typically only posts most recent 2-3 presentations made by that company.

Franchised Businesses

Florida does not require franchises to disclose their franchise documents. There arefour states that do provide the documents:

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