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Digital Business Library


Welcome to the research guide for Masters students.  In this guide students will find:

  • Resources for company profiles, industry research, and their related financial information
  • Sources for articles on business topics
  • Sources for consumer information
  • Business statistical resources
  • Resources for help

This research guide provides students with a starting point for conducting research on topics of interest in a Master's program. This guide directs students to resources that enable them to locate university resources and articles to support their research.

Where to get help

To help you with your research needs, I can help you with the following:

  •     Identifying which resources would be the best sources of information for you.
  •     Using the business databases
  •     Building search strategies to locate information
  •     Locating statistics for projects
  •     Citing business resources
  •     Developing bibliographies for your papers
  •     Building company profile lists and finding company information
  •     Locating industry/market research reports
  •     General class project/research paper help
  •     Any other general business research questions, go ahead, try and stump me

“Jim Jarmusch once told me Fast, Cheap, and Good… pick two. If it’s fast and cheap it won’t be good. If it’s cheap and good, it won’t be fast. If it’s fast and good, it won’t be cheap.

Paul Maher Jr., Tom Waits on Tom Waits: Interviews and Encounters

Mobile Research Help

During the fall and spring semesters, catch up with me on the porch area of the College of Business RBB building.  I'll be there on Monday and Wednesday morning from 9:00-10:00 am to answer questions about library resources and help with research.  I am available to help both students and faculty.

Zoom Meeting

If you are having trouble with your research and need more than an email answer, we can set up a Zoom appointment to meet and talk.  Use the "Schedule an appointment" button on my information link on the left to schedule a time to meet.

For normal support please use my contacts on the left under "Contact Me!"

I prefer email as the mode of contact. I am also happy to meet via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or in person.

For emergency requests (i.e. after 5pm Eastern Standard Time) please email with subject heading alerting me you need help. You can also text me at 850-284-0620 and I will do my best to answer in a timely manner.

Try Ask A Librarian  for general questions or troubleshooting.

Access Services  can solve problems with your library account or request materials.

The Reading-Writing Center  is available for help with writing and presentations. Click here and scroll down for hours and information.

Off-Campus Authentication

When you are off-campus, you will automatically be asked to login using your FSUID and password whenever you click on a link from our website or resources. You should login using the same credentials you use to log into Canvas and your FSU webmail. VPN is not required or recommended for accessing library resources off-campus. For more help see Libraries "Off Campus Solutions"

Best Bets

Do I have access to articles and data off campus?

Yes! Even though you may never actually visit Strozier Library in beautiful Tallahassee, FL, you can access nearly all the resources online using your FSUID. When clicking on the links from one of the library guides or the catalog just enter your FSUID  when prompted.

What about copyright? May I share documents with others outside of FSU?

The library collections are subject to these terms of use. If you are planning to use the data solely for your own commercial interests, you should absolutely not do that, as it is a violation of our terms of use . Violations risk shutting down access for everyone. Ask me if you have any questions!

How do I find it all?

Library guides like this one are great places to start. You can browse the Digital Business Library to look for business resources by research topic or business area, search the catalog or OneSearch, find articles by format or talk to your librarian.

What if I can't find it online?

You have options!

  • If we don't own it but we should, email the business librarian.
  • If we only have it in print and you need a scan (benchmark ratios, for example) you can request it through the Library Express Deilvery Service (LEDS).
  • LEDS delivers library materials for current FSU faculty members, graduate students, and staff with registered departmental office pick-up and drop-off locations. Scanned articles and book chapters are also available for delivery via email. Deliveries are made during regular business hours and most items are delivered to department offices within 48 hours.

  • If another library has it and you want to borrow their copy, request through UBorrow (from Florida University Libraries) or Interlibrary Loan (ILL) (for any library that will loan the item). Here’s a link to the ILL FAQ.

Harvard Business Review

The library subscribes to the Harvard Business Review in a variety of places and formats. Here are the quickest ways to get access:


Can be found in the basement of Strozier, Row 35, 650.5 H339. This copy can only be used in the library. (if you have come this far to read a paper copy, come visit me! I’m steps away to your left in the office next to the vending machines.)


These “Best Bets” are good places to start searching for company information, industry-related reports and articles on business topics.  Follow the link the top of each section for more in depth information. If you’re having trouble locating the right information you are looking for, please escalate your problem to me.

These “Best Bets” are good places to start searching for industry-related reports, profiles or articles.  If you’re having trouble locating the right information you are looking for, please escalate your problem to me.

Citation Styles

Which citation style should I use?

The College of Business does not have a standard style for citing information. It is the professor's prerogative for assigning a citation style required in the class. If there is no preferred style, I suggest Harvard, APA or Chicago. All are straightforward and commonly used. 

Where can I find information on how to cite?

The following guides will give you a general overview of the commonly used styles along with examples, and information on the citation management programs such as Zotero and Mendeley,  

How can I cite common business sources? (examples please)

To find information on how to cite common business sources, such as:

  • articles
  • print books
  • annual report/10-K
  • working papers
  • web sources
  • images, tables, charts
  • lecture notes

Please check out the following libguides:

The Florida State University Libraries

© Florida State University Libraries | 116 Honors Way | Tallahassee, FL 32306 | (850) 644-2706