The Nineteenth Century Collections Online includes Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange; British Politics and Society; British Theatre, Music, Literature: High and Popular Culture; Children's Literature and Childhood; European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection; Europe and Africa, Colonialism and Culture; Mapping the World: Maps and Travel Literature; Photography: The World Through the Lens; Religion, Spirituality, Reform, and Society; Science, Technology, and Medicine, 1780–1925; Science, Technology, and Medicine, 1780–1925, Part II; Women: Transnational Networks.
Developed cooperatively with scholars and librarians worldwide, Oxford Bibliographies offers exclusive, authoritative research guides. Oxford Bibliographies combines features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, giving researchers scholarship across a wide variety of subjects.
African Studies
African American Studies
American Literature
Art History
Atlantic History
Biblical Studies
British and Irish Literature
Childhood Studies
Chinese Studies
Cinema and Media Studies
International Law
International Relations
Islamic Studies
Jewish Studies
Latin American Studies
Literary and Critical Theory
Medieval Studies
Military History
Political Science
Public Health
Renaissance and Reformation
Social Work
Victorian Literature
Abbreviation: oxbib
Vendor: Oxford University Press
Subjects: Religion, Urban and Regional Planning, *General / Multi-Subject, Bibliography
Type: Encyclopedias & Dictionaries, Research Starter
Comprises 600 full-text titles from the Twayne Literary Masters series, 200 each from Twayne World, US, and English Authors. View full-text discussions of an author's works and a chronology of the author's life or create an "In Depth Search" and design your own search, using words or phrases, or customize a search by genre, gender, nationality, and time period. This database also contains "Research Ideas" in that the user may view topics with a highly selective, curriculum-related list of writers to use as research starting points.
Abbreviation: twayn
Vendor: Gale
Subjects: English, Literature
Type: Biographies, Citation Management, E-Book Collections
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