FSU Libraries uses the Library of Congress Classification system to organize items in the collection. The following Library of Congress (LC) classification ranges are associated with English subject areas. The majority of the 'P's are on the fourth and fifth floors. Use the floor map function in the library catalog to locate books and to find additional materials such as microfilm or media.
Browse the Library of Congress Catalog to search for Titles, Authors/Creators, Subjects, Call Numbers, Standard Numbers.
Books in libraries other than FSU may be requested through UBORROW or Interlibrary Loan. FSU students,faculty, and staff may personally check out books from any state university or community college library in Florida by using their FSU card.
EBSCO's collection of over 30,000 recently published titles consisting of a broad range of reference, scholarly, popular and professional books. Compatible with all mobile devices, no separate app is required.
Gale eBooks includes access to encyclopedias, specialized reference sources, and general titles of all disciplines. Designed to enable users to easily cross-search all the content to pinpoint relevant material. Detailed subject indexing allows users to search content based on subject, title, document type, and more.
This single destination platform from Taylor & Francis offers library users improved search and filtering, chapterization, APA format citations, and other features. The collection contains 90,000 titles in specialist subjects.
T&F eBooks help
Abbreviation: tfeb
Vendor: Taylor and Francis Group
Subjects: *General / Multi-Subject
Type: E-Book Collections
© Florida State University Libraries | 116 Honors Way | Tallahassee, FL 32306 | (850) 644-2706