The bulk PDF Import tool enables you to upload all of your full text review PDFs at once, this step should be done when you are at the full text review stage as that is when you should have removed a majority of non-relevant sources. The steps below describe how to use the bulk upload using the citation manager Zotero. If you would like to learn more about Zotero please see the "Zotero User's Libguide". The process can be done in three stages where you will go from Covidence to Zotero and back to Covidence.
Stage 1: Export full text review references from Covidence
1. From your review's summary page in Covidence, go to the "Full text Review" portion of the project and click the "studies to screen" link.
2. Some of the references will have their full text already associated with it, but there will be many missing the full text. To attach PDFs to references click on the "Bulk upload missing full texts" button in the right hand corner of the screen.
3. Click on "Download studies" and upload the file to Zotero
Stage 2 : Using Zotero to find PDFs and exporting them in one file
1. Click "File" and select import from the drop down menu. Navigate to the file you downloaded from Covidence. Zotero will create a new collection for the imported folder.
2. Select all the citations in the collection you just imported and then right click and select "find available PDFs
3. The tool will not find all the PDFs, any not found will need to be manually searched for using the FSU Library catalog or requesting the reference via Interlibrary Loan (ILL), then added individually.
4. Right click on the collection and select 'Export Collection" from the drop down menu.
5. Select "Endnote XML" and make sure to check the boxes for "Export Notes" and "Export Files are checked. This will create two files stored in one folder during the export. In the folder will be an XML file and a folder with all the PDFs.
Stage 3: Upload PDFs to Covidence
1. Back in Covidence (same page we left off on) click on the "Choose XML file" button.
2. Select the XML file that was created during the Zotero export.
3. A new box will appear for you to drag and drop the folder containing the PDFs.
4. The PDFs should now be attached to their corresponding reference.
For additional information about importing PDFs to the full text please see the "Improved experience when uploading and managing full texts"
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