Covidence allows you to export three types of data from your project.
All of three of these data types can be exported from the the Export screen. This button can be found on the reviews summary page
In the Export page you are able to choose what data you would like to export and a few data type options
For more detailed information about the various exporting options see the "Exporting data" help page.
You can export sets of references, from various stages of the review, into an RIS for citation managers (Zotero, EndNote, etc.) or to a CSV file for Excel
Step for exporting references can be found at "How to export study lists for your reference manager" or watch this video below
Exporting to Excel using Extraction 1
Once the data has been fully extracted and a consensus from the team has been met the data can be extracted. If consensus has not been completed for each domain and outcome the exported file will appear blank. The data from Extraction 1 can be exported as a CSV file or as an Excel file. Steps to complete an export for Extraction 1 can be found in "How to export extracted data to Excel using Extraction 1".
Exporting to Excel using Extraction 2
When exporting the data from Extraction 2 you will have the option to export three types of data in a variety of combination:
Steps to complete an export for Extraction 2 can be found in "How to export extracted data to Excel using Extraction 2"
When the Title & Abstract screening or Full Text Review stage has been completed the inter-rater reliability data can be obtained. This data gives a measure of the consistency and agreement between the two raters in their voting of each study in the review. The exported table will generate a list of the various reviewer combinations (if there are more than two reviewers) and calculate their Cohen's Kappa (k) coefficient. An example of the table generated for this type of data can be seen below. For steps to export the inter-rater reliability data see "How to export inter-rater reliability data".
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