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This guide will help you set up an account in Covidence and provide basic instructions for how to screen studies for a review.

Data Extraction Tool

To begin data extraction you must first create and publish a template for the team to follow. Covidance provides two types of data extraction called Extraction 1 and Extraction 2. Extraction 1 designed specifically for intervention systematic reviews and includes specific sections which allows you to collect data for methods, population, interventions and outcomes. Extraction 2 is more suited for all other projects, including scoping reviews and qualitative reviews as it is fully customizable allowing you to create customized headings, subheadings, and include elements such as single choice fields, multiple choice fields, and tables. You set which tool you would like to use in the Settings of the review. Below is a table to help you compare the two extraction types so you can pick the one best for you. For more information see "How to decide when to use Extraction 1 vs Extraction 2". 

1. On the Review Summary page click on the "studies to extract" link


2. At the top of the page click on the "Data Extraction Template" button


3.  When the template opens a default template will be in place. Both templates allow for customization, however Extraction 1 has strict headers and subheadings that can not be modified. With Extraction 2 you do have the option of starting from scratch and completely design the whole template yourself or using a base template to help get started. If you enter the template page and realize it is not in the format you want you can change the extraction type in the settings for the review.  

Extraction 1 Starting Template has strict headers and subheadings that can not be modified. Parts of this template will allow you to make some modifications such as adding additional boxes specifying what data characteristics to look for or specifying what type of measures need to be pulled. This template is designed for the more traditional Systematic and Meta-analysis Reviews for the Health sciences. Additional helpful information for using the Extraction 1 template can be found here.




When you are finished creating your template, click the blue "Publish Template" button to make the template available to the other members of the team. 

publish template button

Extraction 2 Starting Template can be modified to fit just about any evidence synthesis project in any discipline. The highly customizable features allow you to control what data the reviewers need to be looking for as they read through the articles.  Additional helpful information for using the Extraction 2 template can be found here

This screen is divided into three sections. 

  • Item Settings - this is where you can add instructions for items that are selected in the Editor pane (the middle section of the screen)
  • Editor -  this is where you will add or delete items from the template to customize it to fit the needs of your review
  • Preview - this is a look at how the finial extraction page will look for those who are doing the data extraction 


Customizing the template 

Items that can be added to the data extraction form include:

  • Textfield - Use this to extract text and numbers. When extracting, the size of the text field will increase to accommodate the amount of text that’s being entered. 
  • Single choice item - Use this when you have a defined list of options and you want the extractor to choose one. 
  • Checkboxes - Use this when you have a defined list of options and you want the extractor to choose one of more.
  • Table - Use this when you want to set up a table for collecting multiple data points. The default table is a 2x2 table, but this can be expanded as needed. The row and column headings can also be customized.
  • Heading or Subheading - Use these to group and separate your items. 

When you are finished creating your template, click the blue "Publish" button to make the template available to the other members of the team. 

With the data extraction published the reviewers can begin the data extraction process.

1. In the Extraction portion of the project click on "Start" next to a record

start data extraction link


2. The PDF of the article will open up with a side window displaying the data  extraction form. The reviewer can now read the record and fill out the form at the same time. When you are done (or if you are going to leave the extraction form) be sure to click the green "Save" button at the bottom of the form. 


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