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This guide will help you set up an account in Covidence and provide basic instructions for how to screen studies for a review.

Screening Full Text

All articles that received yes votes will be moved on to the Full Text Review stage. This step should have at least two members of the team to review the article to determine its relevance to the research question and the review parameters. Covidence attempts to use article DOIs to retrieve the full text of the articles, but there will be articles that it can not retrieve. Your team will need to add these missing articles, please view the Bulk Uploads of PDFs tab of this guide. 

The Full Text Review box operates the same as the Title and Abstract Screening box.

  1. When you click continue  the records of the references waiting for review look a little different.

a. As you can see you only have the options to include or exclude a reference from your study. 

b. You can still add notes 

c. You can even move a reference back to the abstract title screening process if you want. 

2. Click on the view full text button

  1. The record will expand. This will allow you to add PDFs to the record, click on the link to view the full text PDF, or even remove an existing PDF attachment if need be. 

  1. When an article is excluded in this step the reviewer has to list the reason for why this reference was excluded from the review. 

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