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This guide will help you set up an account in Covidence and provide basic instructions for how to screen studies for a review.

Editing Review Settings

Once you have created your review, you can use the Settings button to make changes to your review such as the name, number of reviewers and who they are, and add inclusion/exclusion criteria.

Types of Settings

The Review Setting tab is where you can make some basic changes to your review. Below are explanations of the very options that are important to keep in mind as you setup your review. Below is an image of this settings page.

Review Type - Click the "Learn about the different types of reviews" link if you need help deciding which option to select or check with your librarian.

Area of Research - These are very general classification so please select the one that most closely matches your field. 

Date of Last Search - This is optional, but it should be the date you ran the finial searches in all the of the databases used. Keeping track of this is necessary for reproducibility and helpful when it comes time to write up the findings. 

Search Strategy - This is optional, but you can copy and paste one or more database search strings here. These should be the finial search strings and once again keeping track of this is necessary for reproducibility and helpful for writing up the findings. 

Your Review Citation - This is optional, if this is an update of a past review you can cite the original review here.

Reviewers Required for Screen -  It is generally recommended that you have at least two independent screeners and a third person who can resolve conflicts.

Reviewers Required for Full Text Review - It is generally recommended that you have at least two independent screeners and a third person who can resolve conflicts.

Select Your Preferred Data Extraction Tool - Please click the "Learn More About Extraction 1 and Extraction 2" link to read more about the differences between the two options. 

When done selecting your options be sure to click the blue Save button.

The Reviewers tab is where the owner of the review can invite new team members. You can work with other researchers at other institutions as you will be sending invitations via email. The invited researchers will be promoted to create create an account if they do not already have one.

This videos demonstrated how to invite a new team member to a project and how to accept an invitation. 


The Team Settings tab where the all of the review team members can go to check the progress of any stage of the project. The review owner and leads can go to this settings tab and manage rules which will indicate which team members preform what functions during the review process. The following video demonstrates how to use the Team Settings tab.

The Eligibility Criteria tab where the team places their criteria for inclusion and exclusion reasons according to your protocol or review plan. This is an important area to fill out so that team members have a convenient place to remind themselves of the criteria while screening. After filling out the page a "Show Criteria" button will appear at the top of the screening page for easy reminders. For a deeper description of setting inclusion and exclusion criteria please see "How to create and manage eligibility criteria" documentation. 

HighlightsThis feature allows you to set keywords that might suggest inclusion or exclusion of a source. Click on the Highlights button, located in the top right corner of the page and set terms for inclusion or exclusion. When in the review phases, a team member clicks "Show Highlights" and terms under inclusion will appear green and terms under exclusion will appear in red. This may help speed up the screen phases of this the review. Please view "How to create and manage keyword and phrase highlights" for additional help.   

Full Text Exclusion ReasonsUsing the "Full Text Exclusion Reasons" button, in the top right corner, the team can set reasons for why a source will be removed from the study. When reasons are entered into this area a drop down menu will be present for the screeners to choose the reason they are excluding a source during the full text screening phase. Please see "How to create and manage full text exclusion reasons" for additional details of this feature. 


The Study Tags tab is where the team can set up a series of tags that allow for easy tracking of important aspects of the source articles. Covidence provides the tags "awaiting classification" and "ongoing study" which cannot be deleted from the list. For additional help with setting up tags please see "How to create and manage study tags". 

This video demonstrates how articles can be filtered by tags in Covidence. 

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