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MAN 4720: Strategic Management and Business Policy

Complementary Readings

  • Eisenhardt, K. M., & Sull, D. N. (2001). “Strategy as Simple Rules.” Harvard Business Review, 79(1) (January-February): 106–116.
  • Collis, D. J., & Rukstad, M. G. (2008). “Can You Say What Your Strategy Is?” Harvard Business Review, 86(4) (April): 82–90
  • Porter, Michael E. (1996). "What is strategy?" Harvard Business Review, 74(6) (November–December): 61–78.
  • Collis, D. J. (2021). “Why do so many Strategies Fail?” Harvard Business Review, 99(4) (July-August): 82-93.

Harvard Business Review is available via EBSCO’s Business Source Complete. HBR Publishing has a strict license agreement which prohibits downloading and direct linking.

Harvard Business Review Caution

Harvard Business Review (HBR) is a great business journal that is heavily used in this class. There are certain copyright restrictions Harvard Business Publishing has placed on the only online provider of HBR, EBSCO's Business Source Compete. FSU cannot link directly to the HBR articles, so below you will learn strategies for finding articles in HBR using Business Source Complete. You can also visit Strozier Library and read the print copies of HBR in the Basement - Periodicals 650.5 H339

How to Search for a Particular Article Using Business Source Complete

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