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Complementary Readings
- Pfeffer, Jeffrey. (2010) "Power play." Harvard Business Review 88.7/8 (July-August): 84-92.
- Kotter, John P. (2007) "Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail." Harvard Business Review, 85(1) (January): 96-103
- Auster, Ellen R., and Trish Ruebottom. (2013) "Navigating the politics and emotions of change." MIT Sloan Management Review, 54(4) (Summer): 31-36.
- Neilson, Gary L., Karla L. Martin, and Elizabeth Powers. (2008) "The secrets to successful strategy execution." Harvard Business Review, 86(6) (June): 60-70.
- Pfeffer, Jeffrey. (2013) "You're still the same: Why theories of power hold over time and across contexts." Academy of Management Perspectives, 27(4) (November): 269-280.