This guide will help you analyze case studies. McGraw-Hill includes sections on objectives of case analysis, preparing a case for class discussion, preparing a written case analysis and the Ten Commandments of Case Analysis.
Complementary Readings
Dyer, Jeffrey H., Prashant Kale, and Harbir Singh .(2004) “When to ally and when to acquire.” Harvard Business Review, 82(7/8): July-August: 108-115.
Christensen, Clayton M., et al. (2011) "The new M&A playbook." Harvard Business Review, 89(3) (March): 48-57. ***
Lambert, Douglas M., and A. Michael Knemeyer.(2004) "We're in this together." Harvard Business Review, 82(12) (December): 114-124. ***
Welch, Xena, et al. (2020) "The pre-deal phase of mergers and acquisitions: A review and research agenda." Journal of Management 46(6) (July): 843-878.