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Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
Evacuation Procedures
- Security Team Members will open the front entrance/exit doors. The emergency exits should also be used. Do not use the elevators
- Security Team Members will wear bright yellow vests so that they are easily identifiable
- Evacuate the area immediately and be aware of a second exit. Be aware of all fire exits in the building. Use the closest exit to evacuate the building
- Do not attempt to save possessions at the risk of personal injury
- Do not attempt to fight the fire unless it is small and you are comfortable doing so
- It is not the responsibility of the library staff to check the floors or to force students to leave the building. Library employees should advise students to leave the building but should not stay behind to insure the students comply
- Security team members will assist patrons with disabilities
- All staff should go to the designated meeting place: the Hot Dog Cart