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ASD Tech Desk Handbook

Database Access

Alums, community members, and non-FSU affiliates who are looking to do research by accessing our databases or using the microfilm machines may do so through the Visiting Researcher station in Strozier.

The only way for a visitor to access our databases is to come into the building physically (Strozier only) and use this station. This station is on the first floor and requires a login. When someone comes in asking for this access, use the login ID and password from the laminated page in the cabinet between the circ desk and the reference desk (the same drawer that has the printer keys). Walk to the visiting research computer and login for the visitor.

Follow the instructions on the second laminated sheet.

If OpenAthens tries to take you to an FSU login screen, click or double click the back button and try again. It should take you to an OpenAthens login screen

If you take the laminated pages to the computer to refer to the login credentials, please remember to bring the page back with you and return it to the drawer!

Visiting researchers should not try to save links to the desired articles. If they save a link to use outside of the library, it will require them to log in using a valid FSU ID and password

There will usually be an option to download a PDF of the article from within the database. They can save this PDF to a flash drive or send it to themselves via email

Microfilm Reader Stations

See the physical user manual at each microfilm reader station for complete how-to and troubleshooting steps.

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